Tuesday, 26 July 2011

July update

Just a quicky as blog posting is apparently anathema to me.

Hive of the Dead is currently at the proofreading stage and, as the vast majority of feedback relates to the complexity of the rules, it now looks likely that the BL Gamebooks will come with both a basic and advanced set of rules. Proposals have been accepted for the third and fourth gamebooks and an announcement should be forthcoming shortly after HOTD's release.

In other news, I've just had my first audio drama accepted so you can all look forward to some aural Dark Angels - along with a special guest - goodness about a year from now. I've also made some progress on the 'other' project and it's now just a case of getting the plot that's bouncing around in my head onto the page. Don't expect any more info than that for a loooong time though...

And I may have settled on my Standard deck for Nationals. Really need to get in a lot of M12 drafting once it launches online which gives me the perfect excuse for not updating the blog for the next few weeks!